Cambuild together with Banham Architects have designed the City Beach House in Perth, Australia.
April 30, 2015
A Mid-Century Modern Update In Marinwood
April 29, 2015
Building Lab designed a contemporary renovation of the Appleberry Drive Residence, an original Eichler house in Marinwood, California.
AN House By Guilherme Torres
April 29, 2015
Guilherme Torres has designed a home in Paraná, Brazil, for a family with three teenage daughters.
Randy Bens Designs A House On A Corner Lot In Vancouver
April 29, 2015
Architect Randy Bens has designed a contemporary home in Vancouver, Canada, that features a separate laneway house that can be rented out.
This Two-Level Apartment Has A Net In The Floor
April 29, 2015
A floor section of this two-level apartment, designed by Proyecto Cafeina in Puebla, Mexico, is just a net suspended on all sides, so people can lie in it.
Disfrutar Restaurant By El Equipo Creativo
April 28, 2015
El Equipo Creativo have designed the Disfrutar Restaurant in Barcelona, Spain, that features various forms of ceramic throughout the design.