This Bulbous Rain Barrel Design Makes It Easy To Collect Rainwater

September 7, 2017

Dutch design firm Studio Bas van der Veer, has created Raindrop, a rain barrel with a watering can and tap, that mounts to a wall and collects rainwater. #Gardening #RainBarrel #Design


Dutch design firm Studio Bas van der Veer has created Raindrop, a rain barrel designed to mount to an exterior wall and make collecting rainwater easy.


Dutch design firm Studio Bas van der Veer, has created Raindrop, a rain barrel with a watering can and tap, that mounts to a wall and collects rainwater. #Gardening #RainBarrel #Design

The design, which is handmade in The Netherlands and produced by pottery label Elho, includes a removable watering can that automatically fills up with rain water first, before the excess rain water collects in the main body of Raindrop. There’s also a tap at the bottom to allow for easy refilling of the watering can or if needed, a hose can be attached.

Dutch design firm Studio Bas van der Veer, has created Raindrop, a rain barrel with a watering can and tap, that mounts to a wall and collects rainwater. #Gardening #RainBarrel #Design