Photography by Virtue
Velomobiles, also known as human-powered vehicles, are fully (or almost fully) enclosed bikes/trikes, that have been gaining in popularity over the last few years.
The pedal powered bikes provide protection from rain, are larger than normal bikes (some are large enough to carry two adults), and can sometimes include electric motors to make that pedal power go a little further.
Inside, they’re just like a regular bike.

Photography by Virtue
Here’s a look at five different designs that can be found on the streets lately…
1. The Pedalist by Virtue

Photography by Virtue
2. Ego Urban Transporter by Eliel Rojas

Photography by Eliel Rojas
3. ELF by Organic Transit

Photography by Organic Transit
4. Twike by FINE Mobile

Photography by FINE Mobile GmbH
5. Tripod by Columbia Cycle Works