An apartment in Ukraine, designed by SVOYA Studio. Photography by Tanya Kovalenko.
By now, you’ve probably seen photo of homes and buildings that have included green walls, also known as vertical gardens, as part of their design, but have you ever wondered if there are any benefits to having a green wall?
Here are 8 awesome benefits of having a green wall…
1. They’re more interesting than typical wall art.

Rizon Jet Lounge by SHH. Photography by Andy Spain.
2. They’re a great way of hiding ugly walls.

Richmond House by Morris Partnership, Photography by Christopher Ott and Shania Shegedyn
3. They’re still uncommon enough to be a novelty.

4. They improve air quality

5. They don’t take up much space

6. They prevent graffiti

Semiahmoo Green Wall in Vancouver, Canada, designed by Green Over Grey.
7. They add interesting textures to a space

Hotel Seven4one4 in Laguna, California by Horst Architects, Photography by Aris Iliopulos.
8. They help with noise reduction

Karolinska Institute Future Learning Environments in Sweden, designed by Tengbom. Photography by Sten Jansin.