Designed by Blue Heron. Photography by Trent Bell.
With unpredictable weather patterns and the business of 21st century lifestyles, the traditional garden and the maintenance that comes along with it is starting to lose its appeal.
With that in mind, here are five benefits of having a rock garden.
1. They Can Survive In Harsh Environments
Intense sun, strong winds, and long droughts will no longer be cause for concern when it comes to your garden. Thanks to the plants and foliage that are typically included in them, rock gardens can tolerate all sorts of extreme weather conditions and do well in both in times of rain and times of drought, something this Las Vegas garden has likely gone through many times before.
Designed by Blue Heron. Photography by Trent Bell.
2. Low Maintenance
Rock gardens are ideal for people who live busy lives and can’t be bothered to stay on top of mowing the lawn, watering the garden, pruning the flowers, or weeding the yard. For example, the entrance and backyard of this home, designed by Brent Kendle, uses rocks and cacti to bring plant life in and watering responsibilities out.
Birds Nest Residence by Brent Kendle. Photography by Winquist Photography.
3. Look Great Year Round
As long as you use a combination of flowering plants that bloom in the spring and summer as well as fall foliage and evergreens, you’ll be able to enjoy your rock garden all year long, just like this one by Pat Brodie Landscape Design.
Buena Vista by Pat Brodie Landscape Design
4. Make Your Yard Feel Larger
Rock gardens require fewer plants than traditional gardens, and you can fill in empty spaces with smaller rocks to make your yard full without feeling overgrown. This allows the yard to be perceived as larger than it actually is, as shown in this garden by Simbiosi.
L’Ametlla de Mar by Simbiosi
5. Diversify the yard
Rock gardens can easily be made of a combination of tiny pebbles, large stones, and big boulders that all work together to create depth and diversity, like this one done by Studio H.