Design Idea For Shelves – Angle Your Bookshelves For A Unique Creative Design

August 3, 2016

Design Idea For Shelves - Angle Your Bookshelves For A Unique Creative Design

Photography by Amit Geron


When Tal Goldsmith Fish Design Studio were designing this home for a family, they decided to create a unique bookshelf that perfectly fits the living room.

A custom white geometric bookshelf was created to fill the wall above the fireplace, and it also doubles as an artistic feature in the room.


Design Idea For Shelves - Angle Your Bookshelves For A Unique Creative Design

Photography by Amit Geron

It’s made from aluminum and is a single unit so that it doesn’t have any complicated connections.

Design Idea For Shelves - Angle Your Bookshelves For A Unique Creative Design

Photography by Amit Geron

So next time your thinking of adding a bookshelf to your space, think about whether you want to make it a bit more unique than the standard designs we see so often.

Design Idea For Shelves - Angle Your Bookshelves For A Unique Creative Design

Photography by Amit Geron

Design Idea - Angle Your Bookshelves For A Unique Artistic Design