What better way to get cozy on a cold gray day than snuggling into a comfy chair with a good book and a hot cup of tea?
Here are 12 examples of comfy chairs that are perfect for curling up in and taking a little break from your busy life.
1. This chair is perfect for relaxing in and tuning out the world. The felt padding helps keep your environment quiet and the big fluffy cushions create a comfy spot to sit.

See more photos of this chair, here. Designed by ODESD2.
2. Folds of felt surround you and move to perfectly fit your body no matter how you configure yourself in the chair.

See more photos of this chair, here. Designed by Charlotte Kingsnorth.
3. This flying saucer inspired rocking chair has a soft leather seat that makes it easy to get comfortable in while you rock away the day.

See more photos of this chair, here. Designed by It One Off.
4. Soft woven felt and a spongy cushion give you lots of freedom to move around and get comfy in this large lounge chair.

See more photos of this chair, here. Designed by Dorothee Mainka.
5. Curl up among the eggs in this giant birds nest and settle in for a nice long lounge.

See more photos of this chair, here. Giant Birdsnest designed by OGE CreateveGroup.
6. Kids like to get comfy too! These small chairs are just the right size for them to lounge and relax on (or leap from).

Designed by Constance Guisset for Petite Friture.
7. The geometric shape of this chair allows you to move around and change positions so you’re always perfectly comfortable.

See more photos of this chair, here. Designed by ODESD2.
8. Feathery fabric falls over the sides of this chair that features a rounded base, turning it into a cozy rocking chair and mimicking the look of a birds nest.

See more photos of this chair, here. Designed by Carl Durkow.
9. This wood framed chair is lined with felt-covered cushions to create a quieter and more relaxing place for kids to get comfy and unwind in.

See more photos of this chair, here. Designed by New Shoots for Think and Shift.
10. Thick fluffy cushions line the inside of this curved rocking chair to take your comfy-ness to the next level.

Cradle chair was initially a group project by Richard Clarkson, Grace Emmanual, Kahlivia Russel, Eamon Moore, Brodie Campbell, Jeremy Brooker and Joya Boerrigter but was manufactured and brought to the market by Richard Clarkson.
11. This sleeping bag chair would be next to impossible not to fall asleep in.

Cocon designed by Les M Studio for super-ette. Photography by Felipe Ribon.
12. This rocking chair is wide enough for two people but makes for an excellent lounging chair when you’re getting comfy by yourself.